Please submit your vacancies regarding Government related jobs. This page will be immediately updated with your Accounting experience and details. Make sure you give short but precise details in the field of Government. Please do not forget to give your email Id and contact phones.
1. Executive Category: Permanent Full-time Classification: SO2 Location: Brisbane - CBD Job ad reference: QLD/CI134/08 Closing date: 27-Jan-2009 Salary per annum: $114282 - $119100Salary per fortnight:n/a Position Description: program director so2 v2 dec 08 doc.pdf Contact name: HR Officer - Recruitment, Phone: (07) 3006 6199
Community Care Classification: AO4 Location: Brisbane - North Job ad reference: QLD/COM9224/08 Closing date: 16-Jan-2009 Salary per annum: $54534 - $59969Salary per fortnight:$2090.30 - $2298.60 Contact name: Claire Walker Contact details: 07 3274 9917, Email:
Policy Adviser Employer: Civil Aviation Authority of NZ City/Town: Hutt Valley Region Wellington: Job Type Permanent / Full time Job Description: Airspace & Environment Policy Unit Applications close on 26 January 2009 and should quote vacancy number CAA 09/02.
To apply please send a covering letter, application form and curriculum vitae to Recruitment, Human Resources Unit, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, PO Box 31 441, Lower Hutt. Telephone: 0-4-560 9400 Email: