General labour jobs can be those which involve any kind of work generally without needing any qualification for it. They are of generally physical kind of works which may involve working at grass root level of the whole project. They may or may not be specific but the work involves chores of work in general for back end functionary in a company. Jobs for drivers, contract workers, carpentry, and handy jobs in construction scenario and like have been enlisted here.
Types of Jobs
Labor types of jobs are not categorized expect in one respect as those being of physical type. They can be in construction, food packaging and other factory work. Driver job, carpentary, goods loader, helper in assisting in any kind of work profile etc are some kinds of labor jobs.
Career Scope of in Labor Jobs
The labor jobs are not career oriented inherently but they can help in career growth if one follows focussed approach in performing them. This paves way for acquiring mastering and streamlining the manner of work execution. With experience one can get better scope for opportunities with bigger work profile. After all experience makes a difference in a person's worth in industry and ultimatley help in shaping his career as well.